Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring Arbor Team Update

The Spring Arbor team has been a blessing for Village de Nouvelle Vie and for me personally as well.  They spent a few days in Port-au-Prince and the rest of the week staying at Victory Compassion while working in Village de Nouvelle Vie.

For me, it was a breath of fresh air.  I loved being back at the village, spending time with the people, and allowing the team to work alongside the Haitians.

Julie, Max, Scott, Dale, Haley, Abby
Faith and Baby Mai
I also really enjoyed having my current team members at Victory share in the project I have put so much of my heart into.  Cassi and Mary came out a few of the days and Frank and Max took turns translating.  Everyone was amazing!

Another highlight was that I got to see my Paraguayan friends!  Praise Jesus!  I really appreciate their friendship and kindness towards me.  These people are constantly looking out for me and are willing to help.  Throughout the week 12 of them begun the wellhouse construction.  By the end of the week, the overall Paraguayan Commander and Colonel came for a picnic lunch.

My friend Hermanito (Carlos Martinez) came out the same day.  He pulled an apple out of his pocket for me.  I was so excited... and then he kept pulling out more fruit from the other pockets in his uniform.  4 apples, 2 bananas.  In Spanish he said, "A father knows his daughter."  I am so grateful to have friends who are looking out for me in every detail here.

Abby, Carlos, Haley
His son, Carlos Martinez was also there.  He is 28 and very handsome.  Two of the high school girls (Haley and Abby - they are so sweet!) on the team and Cassi kept talking about how cute he is.  They know some Spanish so they spent time getting to know him.  Later in the week he came out and started helping with a small project, when I looked over after awhile the girls had totally taken over his work and were hovering near him.  So funny!

The Commander of Parengcoy came over for lunch and
to feed a snack to the small children of the village.
It was a big deal!
Emily, Commander Britos, Cheryl
I got a flat tire when driving the team back to the base.  So glad there were lots of men on the team to help out.  Thanks, guys!

The team did an amazing job putting together the chicken house, cementing various projects, organizing our storage house, and just loving on the kids.  Because of Easter the kids were out of school and able to be around all day, every day this week.

Mary, Cheryl, Faith
My friend, Franck helping out.
Max and Mary organizing the drip irrigation system.
The Pastor was so happy about the group's help, he wants to have a special service on Friday!  Todd, the team leader, had brought an accordion from where they were staying earlier only to learn that the Pastor knows how to play!  The next day they brought it for him to enjoy.

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